At Deenagh/Torc Medical Practice we value your opinion & we welcome feedback both positive & negative. Please let us know if you have a complaint about our procedures so we can try to resolve the issue & improve the care we offer our patients.
In the interest of fairness we do not deal with any anonymous complaints. If you want us to deal with your complaint please fill out the “Complaint Form” attached in full.
You can make a complaint by:
- Filling out the form attached & handing it into reception in a sealed envelope
- Telephone the practice & speak to the Practice Manager
- Email the practice on
All complaints are treated with the utmost respect & privacy. Patient confidentiality is taken very seriously & strictly adhered to.
After making a complaint we will try to resolve it as quickly as possible. We will be in touch with you within 5 working days. Some complaints may take longer due to unforeseen circumstances & we will let you know if more time is needed to investigate.
If you want to make a complaint for a third party then we will need written consent from the patient to say that you can deal with their complaint & that we can discuss their medical details with you on their behalf.